
jobbade ett par timmar nu på kvällen och precis när jag slutatser jag detta -- en svart, glänsande, Escalade som står parkerad. kändes som en fet rub-it-in-my-face då detta, mina vänner, är min absoluta drömbil. dags att börja spara eller?
alltså är det bara jag som asgarvar högt åt det här?

crappy pics from yesterday with bigbro

heaps of pics from the weekend

by the way, got my ticket today!

coffee, santa barbara city college, university of the sunshine coast. hello wednesday!

e-eeeeeeep, it's friday allright

truce with bigsis so the day's agenda was coffee in the park

biking in the sun, smoking a lil' too much, get free coffee from lilsis. badabom!

pride up next, all black like always, you just gotta love my imagination when it comes to clothes. later-rrrr

too many cigarettes, too good music, too bad my mood isn't in the right place. over 'nd out.
la-aadida, goin' to farztaaa with the camel in a few, and happy b:day mom!
got some serious need to do something 'bout that hair. asap.

picture:explosion from the sweet as weekend i've had, enjoy-yy

gotta luv the summer brekkie

kind of feel mediocre:happy as a new twenty year old with some midlife crisis on top of it, hi5!

took the subway, bus and walked into the forest. danced, laughed and had a good time in my drunk state of mind. more to come!

it was Harry P time and sum' coffee on top of it with my wingwomen. lovley thursday.

the aggression you get when you're too lazy to get spotify premium.

guess who ate my breakfast?